
Nurture The Emotional Intelligence Of The Kids At The Right Age

Terrible Twos. Threenagers. Fearsome Fours.  These are years marked by tantrums and meltdowns — palpable reminders that young children haven’t yet learned how to regulate their emotions. But rather than wait for them to outgrow this phase, caregivers can use this window to teach emotional literacy skills that will yield immediate and long-term benefits. Increasingly, Nurture The Emotional Intelligence Of The Kids At The Right Age

5 Important Questions To Ask In The Parent Teacher Meeting

As a parent, we always like to brag about the kid’s successes and hope to hear the same. But being human, our kids have flaws and on closer monitoring we can help them reach their best potential with their teacher or instructor. Parent teacher meeting is an important event for such discussions and revelations. Here 5 Important Questions To Ask In The Parent Teacher Meeting

4 Major Tips To Handle The First Day Of Preschoolers

The first day at school can be quite a fascinating experience for your little one. He/she may also be a little stressed out as it will be an altogether different setup and environment for the youngone. You can help make the day easier for your youngster by keeping the following guidelines in mind: Planning before 4 Major Tips To Handle The First Day Of Preschoolers